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The Return of Hardcore JKD to Everywhere

Losing Sense of Self

It is very easy to lose yourself.

You lose yourself in the job.

You lose yourself in the relationship.

You lose yourself to some kind of addiction.

Eventually, the world chews you up and spits you out again.

You find yourself empty somewhere.

I get it.

I am not immune to it either.

I ran so hard and so fast at things without thinking about what I want.

I ran to grab brass rings in my career and my relationships.

They crumbled into dust and left me with nothing.

I had to questoin who I really am.

I do things naturally.

There are things I do without thinking at all.

I love to do them and I do them even when I am pennyless.

Fitness and martial arts have always had my heart.

They may not have always been the most profitable for a myraid of reasons.


Too young a marketer.

Did not understand optimization well.

I tried to force things into little boxes that they never should have went into in the first place. IE… Being a keyword egoist.

Jeet Kune Do is about stripping down and being economical.

The business world, at least from the outside, is all about adding, adding, and adding.

You keep adding clay to an artful statue and you probably have something that looks nothing like what you started with in the first place.

In fact, it is probably much worse.

Sometimes you have to lose to gain.

Sometimes you just have to go back to the beginning.

You have to remember who you were in order to embrace the future.